1. That is the best post I have recently read. So true. Education has nothing to do with your enterprise spirit or your ingenious ideas. Who has the talent, he will develop it!

    1. Thanks for sharing your comment Vanessa! It really appears that there are lots of ways to be an educated man, like what Suli Breaks said in his rap. :)

  2. I was then a student and I have spent five years on b.s. engineering course, and I have been a university instructor for fours years. While education is good but, more and more years of going to school and still more and more were not getting into work (secular job) - in fact, jobless even after having been graduated on higher education.

    In my opinion, practicality is better idea. We need education but not that much important. To enhance one's ability and skills is pretty much better to survive nowadays.

    Thanks, your post is useful in our present time.

    1. Thanks Ardz! I think you're right. It's not all about grades, though they play a part in the real world (you know, like a college diploma is equivalent to a good public status). It's more about, like what you said, one's ability and skills and how the person plans to USE it. Thanks for sharing your thoughts about this post. It means a lot! :)

  3. this is really inspiring! I have watched the video and had to re watch it.

    1. Thanks for dropping by Shiny! I've been watching and rewatching it for dozens of times already!

  4. I can't say I agree wholeheartedly with the lyrics. I think it depends on the person's destiny and interest. It might be the school where he will learn stuff or maybe somewhere else or where their inspiration is. I also think having a mentor is important to achieve what you want. I assure you that those person mentioned above did not achieve everything by themselves. They have at least one person who inspired and guided them to what they are now.

    Sometimes, I have this idea that my college years was useless and unimportant. I thought that maybe if I had skipped it, it would have save us a lot of money. I'm a web developer and I learn all web development stuff by myself through internet and tutorials. However, I remember one of my college teacher who was my inspiration in programming. She's so good with codes and problem solving. I look up to her and most of my programming skills are possible because of her. She taught me a lot of things that I didn't acknowledged before. She honed my skills and guided me throughout my thesis.

    Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that for me Education is not a place but a person who will be there to inspire, motivate and guide you. School is supposed to be the best place to get one but if you're not lucky maybe it's your first boss, or some stranger you'll meet in a coffee shop. Just be patient and keep on looking.

    1. You have a point there Irish. However, no matter how many people are there to inspire you, everything else is up to you. And just like what the video concluded, "There's more than one way to be an educated man." Education doesn't always come from school alone. You can master one skill without even having to enroll in a learning institution. There are lots of methods to do so. :)

  5. Learning doesn't stop in the four corners of a room. And grades can't even measure the knowledge you learned from school. I just hope we improve the education system in the country, or maybe in the world.

    Based from my experience, I just studied to get high grades because good grades would land you into a good job. But I didn't actually enhance my skills enough to be ready for the employment world. Sometimes I wish I just studied college because it is required.

    1. You are quite right on that Mei. We really have to improve our educational system because it's practically killing our creativity little by little. Thanks for sharing your experience! People go to school basically for compliance only. The beauty and excitement brought by an opportunity to learn new things get clouded. That's one sad reality. :(

  6. The way I see it, there are definite pros and cons to a formal education system, but essentially what's important really is the learning. Besides, learning doesn't stop at school anyway. Every instance can be an opportunity to learn. You just need to keep your eyes, ears, mind and heart open for the lesson that's coming your way.

    1. That's right Patty. There are lots of ways that can help us learn. However, it has been assumed and expected that school should be the best medium to help us learn. It's just that sometimes, it's the opposite. Thanks for sharing your view on this topic! :)

  7. School is only part of the ingredients of success but it's hardwork and how we get educated in life that keeps us there.

    1. That's right Franc. Thanks for dropping by! :)

  8. You can't learn everything just from school. Life teaches you too

  9. Education can guide you through what you want in life because if you're not educated (classroom) you're nothing but an a person running to become educated. Well, in a sense that, you have an edge to those people who do not bother to go to school. You have the knowledge and a weapon to combat life's "ups and downs."

  10. Interesting read! I agree that education doesn't guarantee success in life. It is a stepping stone though. Of course hard work, persistence and determination are also contributing factors. :)

  11. I totally agree, that it isn't only at school you can get education, but a B.S. Civil Engineering myself, going to and finishing school have their perks too

  12. I may not totally agree on everything but the whole point is there. Anyway, learning doesn't end on going to school because learning is an everyday process which we can actually incorporate on our everyday lives. Also, everything still depends on the person's choices whether they'll be successful or not.
