I started making a road map of my future when I was 18 years old, summer of 2011. After experiencing a milestone in my career and studies, I decided that planning my future will help prevent me from being lost and indecisive.
A little throwback
I drew my road map or timeline on the blackboard then. I used my old Nokia 3230 to take these two photos so the resolution is kinda low.

First layout: 18 years old is the starting point and up until 20 years old, I will sweat it out. By 20 I'll graduate college. At 22 years old, I will graduate another short course related to computer. I will sweat it out with my career until I reach 28 years old, by which time I will settle down.
Second layout: I specified that I will not be engaging in any romantic relationship until 22 years old. I broke this at 19 (more than a year after -- August 2012).
So now it's 2016 and I'm gonna turn 23 comes March. Lots of things have happened that I will have to stretch the timeline I made in 2011 into several meters to fit them all.
Road map 2016
Anyway, here's the new road map I have made. It's a short-term one since it's only good for one year. I used road signs for the months. I'm gonna color the lines in the road that divide the two lanes depending on what part of the month I'm already in. So basically comes December, all those lines will be colored.

My 2016 road map. I will be filling the spaces with events and to-dos that are important as the year progresses.

So let the journey start!

For January, I will have to make an account in a bank and submit my SALN (Statement of Assets and Liabilities). Monthly to-dos will be added along the way -- literally.

I already have stuffs written down for the coming months. Only those to-dos and events that I'm sure are bound to happen.

March! My birth month! I have already planned what I'm gonna do to celebrate my birthday.

Ugh April. Thesis month.

Hoping to attend and International seminar. Hopeful.

I dunno what to put in June onward yet. Anyway, there are plenty of times to fill these spaces in.
There you go. I decided to use a road map in the metaphorical sense. Life is a road. There are tons of stopovers, you'll be stuck in traffic, might get involved in an accident, run out of gas to keep going, be tempted to take a shortcut, or meet a dead end and have to go back again.
My brain keeps on twisting things. That's how it works. I actually thought of this analogy while travelling and looking outside the window of a van.
So how is it? Share you thoughts! I will appreciate it very much.